Vaginismus is definited as the psychologically mediated involuntary spasm of the vaginal m...
Galactorrhoea is the secretion of a milky fluid which is inappropriate (unrelated to child...
It is an acute infectious disease of the small intestine, caused by salmonella typhi, transmitted...
Rickets due to vitamin D Deficiency, the calcification of cartilage cells is incomplete and calci...
It is an autoimmune disorder. Alopecia areata is a condition in which hair is lost from some of a...
Bleeding per vagina following established menopause is called postmenopausal bleeding....
Malaria is a communicable disease caused by protozoal parasite, of the genus Plasmodium, t...
It occurs due to too much of exposure to cold weather.High altitude with excessive cold pr...
Macroscopic death of tissue with superadded putrefaction. It affects the limbs, intestine, append...
Dilated, tortuous and elongated superficial veins of the limbs are called as varicose veins....
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