Gout is a metabolic disorder.It is a crystal deposit disease.This is dis...
Chickenpox is an acute highly infectious disease but a mild, exanthematous disease of chil...
Chikungunya Fever is an acute infectious disease.It is self limiting viral dise...
Diabetes Mellitus is a most common 'Endocrine disease'It is a metabolic syndrome....
Mumps is an acute infectious disease. It is a self limiting disease.Common chil...
Cholera is an infectious disease.Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection caused...
Urinary tract infection is the term used to describe acute urethritis and cystitis....
Protein energy malnutrition is a type of malnutrition resulting from deficiency of protein...
Smallpox is an acute, highly infectious disease, exanthematous major killer disease of chi...
Urticaria also known as Hives, is a kind of red skin rash with red, raised, itch bumps.&nb...
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