Gout is a metabolic disorder.
It is a crystal deposit disease.
This is disturbed purine metabolism characterized by pain, swelling of 1st metatarsophalangeal joint initially followed by other joint.
These leading to excessive accumulation of uric acid in blood due to over production and under excretion
An acute attack affects a single joint especially big toe but it may affected other joint.
Primary Gout
1. Metabolic defect
- Idiopathic
- Enzyme defect
- Glucose 6 phosphate deficiency
- Type 1st glycogen storage disease
2. Faulty renal excretion of uric acid
- It is a major cause
Secondary Gout
1. Increased Production
- Chronic Haemolytic Aneamia
- Myeloproliferative disorder
- cytotoxic drug
- Psoriasis
- Carcinomatosarcoma
2. Decrease excretion
- Acute and chronic
- Function Impairment
- Drugs-Thiazide
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Lactic Acidosis
- Dehydration
- Starvation
- Diabetic Insipidus
- Chronic Lead poisoning
- Chronic Alcoholism
Acute Gout
An attack may last for two week after which the joints become completely normally till another attack occur.
Predisposing Factor
Acute Infection
Exposure to cold
Excessive of alcohol
High profile diet
Injection of foreign protein
Premonitory Symptoms
Abdominal pain
Renal colic
Clinical Feature
Age-above 40 years
Sex-males(8times more common in male)
The attack is usually occurs at night awakening the patient from sleep
1st metatarsophalangeal joint commonly affected
Other site- Ankle, heel, knee, hand
Skin over the joint became scaly
Itching during recovery
Local vein are much prominent
General symptoms
Local symptoms
Excruciating pain
Tense skin
Chronic Gout
The attack recurs at the interval of months and years
Gradually the stage come when irreversible changes develops in joints
Clinical Feature
Pain become persistent
Deformity of Joint
Location- wrist, ankle, knees, elbow, shoulder, hip
Tophi- Sodium Biurate Crystal begin to deposit in particular tissue and cartilage.
Especially tophi develops in ear and giving rise to swelling called tophi.
Tophi may also develop in hand, feet, Prepatellar Bursa.
Bursa particularly Ulnar Bursa may be inflammed, swollen with fluide exudate.
Progressive function lost.
Disability of joint
Renal faliure
Diabetes Mellitus
Renal calculi
Serum uric acid level- increase
Urine- volume deminished, high coloured urine
Urine show urate crystals
Needle biopsy (tophi)- show birefringent crystal of Uric acid
Antistreptolysis Titre - increase
Steroid- prednisolone 40-80ml/day
Lacto vegetarian diet
Low dose of aspirin
Hot and cold compress over the affected joint
Bed rest
Analgesic drug- Colchicine (0.6-1.2mg)
Uric Acid Inhibitors
Uricosuric Drug
Homoeopathic medicine for Gout
- Urtica urens
- Benzoic acid
- Colchicum
- Ledum pal
Urtica urens
It is best suited remedy for Gout.
Gout and Uric Acid diathesis.
Symptom return at the same time every year.
Rheumatism associated with urticaria like eruption.
Pain in acute Gout deltoid, pain in ankles, wrist.
Benzoic Acid
Benzoic Acid is highly effective remedy for gout.
It is very useful medicine when colchic fails in gout
Excessive uric acid
Joints cracks on motion
Tearing with stitches
Pain in tendo Achillis
Rheumatic Gout, nodes very painful
Gouty deposits
Swelling of the wrist
Pain and swelling of knee
Bunion of greater toe.
Tearing pain in greater toe.
Worse in open air by uncovering.
Affects markedly synovial membrane of the joint.
Has specific power of relieving the gouty paroxysmal.
It seems to be more Beneficial in chronic affection of these parts
The parts are red, hot, swollen.
Tearing pain worse in evening and at night and from touch, stubbing the toe hurts exceedingly.
Sharp pain down left arm.
Worse from warm weather.
Inflammation of greater toe, gout in heel, cannot bear to have it touched or moved.
Knees strike together, can hardly walk.
Edematous swelling and coldness of legs and feet.
Ledum Pal
It is very important remedy for gout
Affects especially the rheumatic diathesis, going through the all changes, from functional pain to altered secretion and deposit of solid, earthy matter in the tissue
The rheumatism begins in the feet and travels upward
Gouty pains shoot all through the foot and limb, and in joints, but especially small joints.
Swollen, hot, pale.
Throbbing in right shoulder
Crackling in joints
Worse from warm of bed
Gouty nodosities
Ball of great to swollen
Rheumatism begin in lower limbs and ascends.
Soles painful and hardly step of them.
The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.
Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician.