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  •   19-Aug-2020


Metrorrhagia is defined as irregular acyclic bleeding from the uterus. Amount of blood is variable. When metrorrhagia strictly concerns uterine bleeding but in clinically practice, the bleeding from any part of the genital tract is included. Irregular bleeding in the form of contact bleeding or intermenstrul bleeding in an otherwise normal cycle is also included metrorrhagia. Infact, it is mostly related to the surface lesions in uterus.

Cause of acyclic bleeding

  • DUB - Usually during adolescence, following childbirth and abortion and preceding menopause.
  • Submucous Fibroid
  • Uterine Polyps
  • Carcinoma Cervix
  • Endometrial Carcinoma

Cause of Contact Bleeding

  • Mucous Polyp of Cervix
  • Carcinoma Cervix
  • Vascular ectopy of the cervix specially during pregnancy, pill use cervix
  • Infections - Chamydial or tubercular cervicitis.
  • Cervical endometriosis

Cause of Intermenstrul Bleeding

  • Apart from the causes of contact bleeding, other causes are Urethral caruncle Ovular bleeding Break through bleeding in pill use IUCD in utero Decubitus ulcer 

Treatment is directed to the underlying pathology.

  • Hormonal therapy (progestin)
  • DNC
  • Analgesic

Homoeopathic Medicine for Metrorrhagia 

  • Secale cor
  • Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris
  • Trillium Pendulum
  • Plumbum

Secale Cor

It is a very useful remedy for Metrorrhagia. This remedy is suitable where the weakness is not caused by loss of blood. Profuse, painless bleeding in the women of the climacteric age group. Secale cor is hot patient and thus patients from the tropical region respond well of this remedy.

Passive haemorrhage and blood is dark coloured, seldom clots.

Discharges are offensive and scanty

Motion aggravated the flow. Haemorrhage with strong and spasmodic contraction of the uterus. Every flow preceded by strong bearing down pain Haemorrhage due to atony of uterus as in protracted labour and miscarriage. Menses are usually too profuse and long lasting. Severe anaemic condition of the patient. Coldness, numbness, petechiae, mortification with gangrene. Useful remedy for old women who are thin and scrawny. All the secale cor condition are better by cold continuous oozing of watery black blood from lesion. Excessive thirst. Pale, pinched, lower extremities after cholera like symptoms.

Modalities - Aggravated by general heat, warmth, covering the parts.

Better by cold application, cold in general, rubbing extremities, pressure on abdomen.

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris

This is an anti haemorrhagic remedy. The patient are prone to develop fibroid and abnormal growth in the uterine cavity. Uterine bleeding with cramps in lower extremities. Bleeding is in form of clots. This remedy acts well in condition where there is suppression of the uterine disease.

Metrorrhagia due to intramural fibroid of uterus is well treated by this remedy when used in low potency. As cervical os is small or closed there is great difficulty to expel the clots. This expulsion of clots can be done by this remedy. Pain and bleeding are excessive alternately. In attempt to expel the clots, the uterus contracts, thus pain are more. Too frequent periods, with profuse bleeding. Uterus is very sore, therefore causes severe pain. Bruished feeling in pelvic region. Haematuria due to any reason is well treated by thalaspi.

There is frequent desire of urination.

Trillium Pendulum

This remedy is used for active uterine haemorrhage, especially after hormonal imbalance. Patients are of different age groups and the menstrual flow starts after 7-10days of previous menstrual cycle. Bleeding continues in the interval of 7-10days followed by great prostration. This remedy acts well for women who unceasing bleed after parturition or miscarriage. Sometimes bleeding starts at climacteric age.

Gushing of bright red blood from the uterus, later blood becomes pale due to anaemia. Menses often come from overextertion, too long ride etc. Profuse flow, attended with faint feeling in epigenetic region. Extremities cold, rapid and feeble pulse.

This is predominantly a general haemorrhagic remedy. Patient complaints of great faintness and dizziness. Uterine haemorrhage may be due to threatened abortion. Relaxation of pelvic organs. Cramp like pains in calf muscle. Patient is nervous and melancholic.

Modalities - Aggravated by movement, clothings, heat of sun, after covering.

Better by rest, cold, open air.


Patients are of climacteric age group. Bleeding probably might be due to fibroids of uterus or due to other systemic disease such as hypertension, suppressed eruptions and progressive muscular atrophy. Bleeding is in form of dark clots which sometimes alternates with frank blood and serum. There is great vaginismus. Vulva and vagina are hypersensitive. Metrorrhagea also may be due to incomplete abortion and patient complaints of intermittent bleeding for days together. There is sensation of string pulling from abdomen to back. Dark clots difficult to expel from cervical os, thus there is severe pain in abdomen. Contrictive and boring pain. Excessive colicky pain radiating to uterine region. Patient is confused and  has great mental depression, unable to remember the incidences.

Modalities - Aggravated after movement, at night times

                      Better by hard pressure.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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