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  •   20-Aug-2020


Menorrhagia is defined as cyclic bleeding at normal intervals, the bleeding is either excessive in amount (>80ml) and duration (>7days) or both. The term menotaxis is often used to denote prolonged bleeding. This is also known as hypermenorrhoea.


The causes of Menorrhagia is divided into two types. It is organic cause and systemic cause.

Organic Causes

1. Pelvic

  • Fibroid uterus
  • Adenomyosis
  • Pelvic endometriosis
  • IUCD
  • Chronic tubo ovarian mass
  • Tubercular endometritis (early cases)
  • Retroverted uterus-due to congestion.
  • Granulosa cell tumour of the ovary

2. Systemic

  • Congestive cardiac failure
  • Severe Hypertension

3. Endocrinal

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism

4. Haematological

  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
  • Leukemia
  • Von willebrand's disease
  • Platelet deficiency

5. Emotional upset

   Common causes of menorrhagia

  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 
  • Fibroid uterus
  • Adenomyosis
  • Chronic tubo-ovarian mass.

Function Causes - due to disturbed hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian endometrial axis.


Long duration of flow,  passage of big clots, use of increased number of thick sanitary pads, pallor and low level of haemoglobin give an idea about the correct diagnosis and magnitude of menorrhagia.


The definitive treatment is appropriate to the cause of menorrhagia.

Homeopathic medicine for Menorrhagia

  1. Sabina
  2. Kreosote
  3. Belledona
  4. Platina
  5. Iodum


It is anti-haemorrhagic remedy. Sabina acts upon the muscous membrane of the uterus and also upon the serous and fibrous membranes. Pains fly from sacrum to pubis. Haemorrhage is profuse at time of menses. They are long lasting, partly fluid and partly clotted, offensive in nature. Blood comes in gushes. Intense colicky pain in abdomen at the time of menses, these pains are associated with bearing down and labour like pain. Pain transverse from vagina to uterus. Discharge of blood between periods with sexual excitment. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus.

Uterine fibroids are usually the cause of Menorrhagia at the climacteric age. Profuse leucorrhoea and the discharge is bloody.

Sabina patient has haemorrhagic tendency and bleeds from all the mucous membranes. Pulsation all over the body with sense of fullness. Pus like gonorrhoeal discharge from the uterus.

Modalities - Aggravated by warmth in general, warm room, hot food, warm application.

Better by cold open air, cold drinks, cold applications.


Endometrial polyps or the abnormal growth of the uterine cavity is the fundamental cause of Menorrhagia. Burning and soreness in external and internal parts. Menses are too early, prolonged and the flow is black and offensive. The discharges excoriate the thighs. Leucorrhoea before menses, which is yellow, acrid, excoriating and offensive. Bleeding from uterine cavity is continuous in nature, and the flow increase on exertion.

Patient complaints of abdomen pain, especially before the menstruation. Burning and scratching sensation at vulval region and medial side of the thighs. Sudden desire for urination. Patient is not in a position to hold the urine and she has to hurry for urination. Fullness and burning pain in the stomach. Nausea ends in the vomiting. This drug can be use for the palpitation of malignancy of genital origins. All symptoms worse the time of menses is the keynote symptom of this remedy. All the mucous membranes of the body are raw and inflammed with bleeding and ulceration. All discharges of the body are very offensive.

Patient is very irritable during menses. Patient desires many things, but is not satisfied with those when she gets them. Always unsatisfactory. Music make her weep.

Modalities - Aggravated from cold in general, cold air, after washing the parts.

Better by warmth in general, rest in bed.


Menses in the case of belledona are increase and premature. Along with the Menorrhagia, she complains of mastodynia. Breast pain with menses. The menses are profuse and bright red in colour due to excess of blood. There are cutting pain from hip to hip. Blood is very dark and offensive and feels hot, with dark clots. Strong bearing down pain she feels as if everything would escape from the vagina.

Belledona patient is very chilly and easily affected by draught of air. She has violent congestion in her body so she feels very hot in every part. Redness, heat and burning are the red stand of this remedy. She becomes hypersensitive during ailments. She is drowsy or sleepy but can not sleep due to the intolerance pain associated with each symptom.

Modalities - Aggravated by Draught of air, heat of sun, moving about, bending lying down.

Better by sitting in erect position. 


Menses in case of platina lady are much earlier, too profuse but their duration may be short and long. The blood is very dark and clotted. Spasmodic pain. Pains come and go gradually. Severe bearing down with numbness of pelvic organs. She feels very chilly. Flow may appear every fourteen day. She has tingling sensation in the parts. After menses there is profuse leucorrhoea.

Platina is known for hyperaesthesia leading to vaginismus and nymphomania. The part is sensitive to touch and go into spasm on touch. Colicky pain in abdomen. Paralytic weakness with chill and numbness in the parts. She is very hot patient. She can not complete the condition due to vaginismus.

Modalities - Aggravated by rest, on excitement, while sitting and standing.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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