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  •   13-Aug-2020


Leucorrhoea is defined as an excessive normal vaginal discharge. The symptom of excessive discharges is a subjective one with individual variation, while to declare it to be normal and not an infective one, requires clinical and laboratory investigations.

  • The excess secretion is evident from persistent vulval moistness and staining of the undergarments (brownish yellow or drying)or needed to wear a vulval pad.
  • It is non purulent and non offensive.
  • It is non irritant and never cause pruritus.
  • The physiologic bases involved in normal vaginal discharges is dependent on endogenous oestrogen level. With arising oestrogen level, there is abundant secretion activity of the endocervical glands are the superficial vaginal epithelium becomes rich in glycogen. The mucoid secretion from the cervical glands is normally small in amount.

The excessive secretion is due to

  • Phyiologic excess
  • Cervical cause(cervical leucorrhoea)
  • Vaginal  cause(vaginal leucorrhoea)


Physiologic Excess

  • The normal secretion is expected to increase in condition when oestrogen levels become high. such conditions are
  • During puberty
  • During menstrual cycle
  • During pregnancy
  • During sexual excitment

Cervical Causes

  • Cervical ectopy
  • Chronic cervicitis
  • Mucous polyp
  • Ectropion

Vaginal Causes

  • Uterine prolapse
  • Acquired retroverted uterus
  • Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Using of pills
  • Vaginal adenosis


  • Improvement of general health
  • Pills users may have to stop pill temporarily, if the symptom is very much annoying.
  • Local hygiene.

Homoeopathic medicine for Leucorrhoea

  1. Alumina
  2. Kreosotum
  3. Ambra Gras
  4. Cantharis
  5. Helonias
  6. Ammonium Carb
  7. Borax
  8. Platina
  9. Silicea


These are three main reason why alumina patient suffers from leucorrhoea. The first and very important reason is recurrent infection, both systemic and local.

Patient has abnormal craving for charcoal, chalk, mud.

Secondly there is lack of exercise.

Third important reason is anaemia.

Uncleanliness during the period of menstruation causes leucorrhoea. Discharge is acrid, profuse, transparent and ropy, with burning sensation in genitilia. This burning sensation is relieved by washing in the parts with cold water. Yellowish mucus run through medial aspects of thighs down to heels, with scanty, delayed and pale menses. Patient is exhausted after menses and leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea with constipation and anaemia. Leucorrhea is thick, yellow may be white of egg. Dryness of all mucus membranes, skin and vagina. Lack of vital heat and the peculiar characteristic symptom of alumina. Best suited to the women who have sedentary habits. It is constitutionally chilly patient. The aggravation of alumina is  generally in morning and better by open air, by washing the parts with cold water.


Leucorrhoea is acrid, corrosive, offensive, like a blood water. It is a post cliametric disease. Leucorrhoea stains yellow. Corrosive itching within the vulva during the flow of leucorrhoea.

The leucorrhoea has the Odour of green corn, this is the peculiar symptom of kreosotum.

Burning and swelling of labia with violent itching between labia and thighs.

Before puberty poor general health, unclean personal hygiene with anaemia cause leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea worse between menses. The menses are too early, prolonged and intermittent, protracted flow on lying down. Violent itching of vulva and vagina. Complaints worse after urinating.

Ambra Gras

The leucorrhoea of ambra gras is thick, bluish, white mucus discharge especially in day time.

Itching of pudenda, with soreness and swelling. Discharge of blood between period, at every little accident, after every hard stool.


There is leucorrhoea with sexual excitment with itching and masturbation, sexual desire.

Constant discharge from uterus.

Swelling and irritation of vulva.


Helonias is a great remedy for female complaints. There is leucorrhoea with severe burning and itching in the vulval region. There is feeling of soreness and weight in the worm.

Pruritus of vulva due to leucorrhoea. There is severe backache after the discharge.

Leucorrhoea is thick and yellow in colour especially after miscarriage. Genital parts are hot, red and swollen. Complaints are aggravated after thinking about it.

Sensation of weakness, dragging and weight in the sacrum and pelvis with great prostration are the keynote indications of this remedy. Menses are often suppressed. There is tendency to prolapse and malformations of uterus.

Better by keeping herself busy.

Ammonium Carb

There is two type of leucorrhoea in ammonium carb. 

Leucorrhoea is watery from uterus and there is marked burning and when leucorrhoea comes from vagina  it is acrid and profuse.


Hot acrid leucorrhoea

Creamy appearance of leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is like white of an egg. Leucorrhoea especially after menses. Pain like uterus were expressed from vagina. Bearing down sensation. With sensation as if hot fluid is flowing through genitalia. Menses are  too early, profuse, with gripping pain in abdomen. These pains extend to small of back. The patient is extremely anxious. Membranous dysmenorrhoea with pain in breast during menses indicated this remedy.


Bearing down sensation with prolapse of uterus.

Leucorrhoea during parturition causes violent cramps in limbs and profuse haemorrhage with hysterical and puerperal convulsion.

It is predominantly a women's remedy, especially suited to a hysterical woman, with uterine troubles. The ailments are due to shock, excitement, disappointed, grief, fright etc.

Genitalia is Oversensitive.

Leucorrhoea due to inflammatory conditions of fallopian tube and ovaries.

In post menopausal women uterine polyps, decubitus ulcer and prolapse of uterus are responsible for leucorrhoe


There is two main cause of leucorrhoea in silicea patient. The first cause of leucorrhoea is vaginal cyst and the second cause is cervical perineal tear.

Milky, acrid leucorrhoea during urination. The parts of genitalia is very sensitive. There is intense itching of vulva and vagina. The patient is usually oversensitive and weak. There is lack of assimilation, therefore patient suffers from anaemia. Catarrhal condition of the uterus and genital tract due to puerperal cervical erosion and granulation. Tendency to take cold very easily. The patient is very nervous and excitable.

Aggravated by full moon new moon, uncovering, cold in general, lying on a damp place, during menses and better by warmth in general, summer, wrapping up of head.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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