Dr Sujata's Blog

Vitamin D Deficiency
  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
  • 1451 |
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  •   28-Jan-2021

Vitamin D Deficiency

Rickets due to vitamin D Deficiency, the calcification of cartilage cells is incomplete and calcification is also irregular.

Bone becomes less rigid and soft predisposing for deformation and become less rigid and soft predisposing for deformation and fracture due to body weight itself as the child grows. So the features are common among infants and preschool children.

Craniotabes is the earliest manifestation ( The pressure over the occipital or posterior part of parietal bones, is felt like a ping-pong ball, if compressed and released, due to soft membranous bone of the skull).

Bossing of frontal and parietal bones becomes evident later. 

Eruption of primary teeth is delayed. Moderate degree of scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis may occur.

Epiphyses of long bones are widened and appear clinically as widening of wrist. As the child starts bearing weight, long bones of the legs bend resulting in knock-knees, bow- legs and coax-vera.

Abdominal muscles become flabby due to hypotonia and abdomen becomes protuberant (pot-belly).

Deficiency of vitamin D in early infancy results in bilateral lamellar cataracts.


Early radiological changes are seen in the lower end of radius and ulna. X-ray of wrist shows a cup shaped depression. The epiphyseal plate appears widened. Large gap is seen between epiphysis and metaphysis. Alkaline phosphatase is high and serum phosphorus low. 

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician.


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