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  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
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  •   21-Sep-2020


Urticaria also known as Hives, is a kind of red skin rash with red, raised, itch bumps. 

They may also burn or sting.

Urticaria is an autoimmune disease.

It is an allergic reaction.

Often the patches of rash move around.

Typically they last a few days and do not leave any long lasting impression.

The condition frequently recurs.


Allergic reaction

Insect bite


Hay fever


Medication- like aspirin, penicillin, antidiabetic drugs.

Food allergy- selfish, nuts

Environment agents



Cold exposure



Patch testing

Allergic testing





Avoid triggers

Homoeopathic medicines for urticaria

  1. Apis Mel
  2. Rhus tox
  3. Urticaria urens
  4. Natrum mur
  5. Astacus fluv

Apis Mel

It is very useful remedy for urticaria.

Urticaria like bee stings, or stings from other insects, with intolerable itching at night.

Burning pain and stinging pain.

Eruption like nettle rash over the whole body.

Edematous swelling.

Skin usually white, almost transparent.

Apis has slow action and most not be changed too soon.

Apis is characterized by a waxy hue of skin, whitish and yellowish.

Surface of body sore, bruised, or burning.

Aversion to tight things.

Nervous, restless, oversensitive or hot and dropsy, with or without thirst.

Aggravated by touch or pressure.

Rhus tox

Rhus tox is very important remedy for urticaria/Hives.

Itching over whole body.

Swelling of affected part.

Humidity of skin.

Burning, itching appearing especially in spring and autumn.

Nettle rash.

Restless due to itching.

Red, swollen, itching intense.

Worse- wet, rainny weather and after rain, at night

Better by warm, dry weather, warm applications.

Ailments from strains, overlifting, getting wet while perspiring.

Urtica urens

Urtica urens is very useful medicine for rheumatism associated with urtica like eruption.

Antidote ill effect of eating selfish.

Symptoms return at the same time every year.

Uric acid diathesis.

Urticaria burning heat, with fornication.

Rheumatism alternate with nettle rash.

Urticaria nodosa.

Burning and stinging pain.

violent itching and stinging.

Worse- from snow air, water, cool moist air, touch.

Natrum Mur

Best suited remedy for urticaria.

Itching and burning.

Hives, itching after exertion.

Ailments from prolonged taking of salt.

Greasy oily skin, especially on hairy parts.

Red and inflammed skin.

Worse - warm room,about 10 A.M., heat.

Better by open air, cold bathing.

Astacus Flav

It is very important remedy for skin symptoms, like urticaria.

Nettle rash over whole body.


Liver affection associated with nettle rash.

Very sensitive to air and uncovering.

Effects of selfish, as well of other fish, in producing nettle rash exemplified in astacus Flav beyond all other varieties.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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