It is an acute suppurative inflammation of gland of the Zeis and moll.
1. Predisposing factors
It is more common in children and young adults.
Eye strain due to muscle imbalance or refractive error.
Habitual rubbing of eyes.
Fingering of the eyelids and nose.
Chronic blepharitis and Diabetic mellitus are usually associated with recurrent stye.
Metabolic factors
Chronic debility
Excessive intake of carbohydrates and alcohol.
2.Causative organism
Staphylococcus aureus
Clinical Feature
Acute pain
Swelling of eyelids
Mild watering from eyes
1.stage of cellulitis
It is characterized by localises hard, red and tender swelling at the lid margin associated with marked oedema.
2.Stage of abscess
Pus point on the lid margin.
Usually there is only one stye, occasionally may be multiple.
1.Hot compresses
2-3 times a day are very useful in cellulitis stage.
When the pus point is formed it may be evacuated by epilating.
3. Antibiotic eyedrop
4.Eye ointment
5.Anti Inflammatory
7.Systemic Antibiotics (to control infection)
Homoeopathic Medicine for Stye
- Hepar sulp
- Staphysagria
- Silicea
- Pulsatilla
Hepar sulp
It is best suited remedy for Stye.
Sensitiveness to touch air.
Eyes and lids red and inflammed.
Pain in the eyes, as if pulled back into the back.
It is important remedy for Stye.
Margin of eyelids itch.
Recurrent stye.
Affection of angles of eyelid.
Bursting pain
It is highly effective remedy for Stye.
Angles of eyes affected.
Swelling lachrymal duct.
Aversion to light, especially daylight.
Sharp pain through eyes, eye tender to touch, worse when closed.
Vision confuse, letter run together on reading.
It is highly effective remedy for Stye.
Itching and burning in eyes
Profuse lachrymation and secretion of mucus.
Eyelid inflammed and agglutinated.
Painful stye.
Worse in warm room.
Thick, yellow, bland discharges.
The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.
Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician.