Paronychia means near nail.
It is a nail infection that is an often tender bacterial or fungal infection of the hand and foot, where the nail and skin meet at the side or the base of a finger or toenail.
The infection can start suddenly (Acute Paronychia) or gradually (Chronic Paronychia).
There are two type of Paronychia
Acute Paronychia
It occur due to treming the nail and in growing nail.
Infection which is subcuticular (under skin) start in the lateral sulcus and spread all around.
This is because of eponychium (skin over lying the nail base)
Hence the infection spread beneath the nail base.
Affected part finger is painful
Throbbing pain
Even collection of 0.5ml pus produce severe pain.
Low grade fever.
Using digital blocks
2%plain lignocaine 5 ml infection into the root of digit.
Chronic Paronychia
It is not due to bacterial infections.
It is due to fungal Infection.
Common in women, who washing the clothes and utensils resulting in contact wetting of finger.
As a result this fungal infection takes places.
This infective is slow onset is insidious and chronic.
Dull nagging pain in finger.
Eponychium in faintly pink
Nail is rigged.
Antifungal drug
Gloves(rubber)- should be wear before using hand for washing the clothes.
Pus for culture and sensitivity.
Homoeopathic Medicine for Paronychia
- Antium Crud
- Silicea
- Ledum Pal
- Hepar Sulp
Antium Crud
Antium Crud is very useful remedy for Paronychia.
Painful swelling around nails.
Nail discoloured and deformed.
Red and hot swelling of fingers.
Degeneration of the skin.
Shooting type of pain.
Painful sensibility of the skin under the nails.
A horny growth under the nails.
Grawing purulent vesicles, with burning in finger.
Tearing, drawing, sticking pain, numbness in fingers, as if suppurating.
Numb feeling of a finger, as though it were enlarged and bone swollen.
Finger nail rough and yellow.
Very painful when moving finger.
The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.
Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician.