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Malaria and its Homoeopathic Medicine
  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
  • 1186 |
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  •   11-Jan-2021

Malaria and its Homoeopathic Medicine

Malaria is a communicable disease caused by protozoal parasite, of the genus Plasmodium, transmitted from person to person, by the bite of infected, female, anopheline mosquito.

Clinically, the disease is characterized by episodes of fever with rigor, followed by profuse sweating and headache.

Repeated episodes occur with definite intermittent periodicity depending upon the species of the parasite and results in enlargement of the spleen and secondary anemia. Majority is not high but it produces incapacitation affecting the human resources of the country which ultimately affects the progress of the nation, socially and economically.

Predisposing factors

Poor standard of housing with ill- lighting and ill- ventilation favor the mosquito to rest. Human activities such as industrialization, urbanisation, irrigation and agricultural activities, deforestration, favour the breeding place for the mosquitoes which in turn increase malaria problem. So malaria consequent to such human activities is called man made malaria. Habits of sleeping out- doors have also increased the incidence of the disease.

Incubation period

Pl. Vivax 14days

Pl.falciparum12 days

Pl. Malariae 28 days

Pl. ovale 17 days

Clinical Feature

A. Benign tertian malaria (Vivax malaria)

Cold stage- sudden onset of fever with rigors and sensation of extreme cold.

Frequently the teeth chatter.

Patient desires to cover with several blankets. There will be severe headache and often vomiting. Shivering lasts for about 15 to30 minutes.

Hot stage- This is the next stage, characterized by high fever 103to 104degree ferrite. The patient feels burning hot and removes the blanket and removes his clothes also.

Headache persists, vomiting can occur. This stage last for 2to 6 hours.

Sweating stage(stage of diaphoretica)

In this stage, fever comes down by itself  associated with profuse sweating. Following sweating, patients feels comfortable and falls asleep due to exhaustion. This stage last for 2to 4hours. Next day the patient feels normal and attends to duties.

B. Malignant tertian malaria ( Falciparum malaria)

This is caused by Pl.falciparum. There is gradual rise of temperature, increasing daily, becomes high and almost continuous.

Cold,hot and sweating stage rarely occur. But vomiting and headache are common.

This condition is highly fatal because of the following complications

Cerebral malaria- characterized by high fever, convulsions, paralysis, delirium, stupor, coma, and death.

Black water fever- Characterized by fever and black coloured urine due to hemolysis of RBC and hemoglobinuria.

Algid malaria- Characterized by features of shock .

Septicemia malaria- characterized by features of septicemia and circulatory failure.

Quartan malaria

This is caused by Pl.malariae. Fever appears once in 4 days.

Ovale malaria

This is caused by Pl.ovale, common only in Africa.

Prevention and control

Malaria vaccine

Use mosquito repellents


DDT spraying

Chloroquine 600mg

Homoeopathic Medicine for Malaria

  1. Rhus Tox
  2. Eupatorium Perfolitatum
  3. Ledum Pal
  4. China 
  5. Arsenic Album

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician.


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