Dr Sujata's Blog

  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
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  •   12-Sep-2020


Lipoma is a benign tumour arising from fat cells of adult type.


1. Single subcutaneous lipoma

This is a single, slow growing, painless swelling.

The swelling is soft, may feel cystic with fluctuation. This is also called pseudofluctuation because fat at body temperature behaves like fluid.

Surface is lobular.

Lobulations are better appreciate with firm Palpitation of the swelling.

Due to the pressure, lobules bulge out between the fibrous tissue strands.

Edge slip under the palpitation finger which is a pathognomonic sign of lipoma.

Being a subcutaneous swelling, it is freely mobile. The flank is the commonest site.

Shoulder region, neck, back, upper limbs are the other common sites.

Some lipoma is also found in neck.

2. Multiple lipomatosis

Such lipoma are multiple and very often tender be cause of nerve elements mixed with them.

Hence they are called multiple neurolipomatous.

Dercum's disease is one examination of this variety (Adiposis dolorosa) which tender, lipomatous swelling present in the body, mainly trunk.

3. Uncapsulated lipoma

Diffuse variety is a rare type of lipoma.

It is called pseudolipoma.

It is an overgrowth of fat without a capsule.


Excision of lipoma is done by incising the skin followed by squeezing the lipoma out.

Homoeopathic Remedies For Lipoma

  1. Baryta carb
  2. Belledona
  3. Calc carb
  4. Calc flour
  5. Thuja

Baryta carb

It is best suited remedy for swelling and induration.

It is a deep seated, long acting remedy.

Aggravation of complaint when thinking about them.

Patient is very sensitive to cold.

Encysted tumors, growth of tuberculous character, fatty tumors.

Baryta carb has cured the above conditions and has mitigated the pains.

The constitution of baryta carb is dwarfism and short limbs.

Offensive foot sweat.

Suffering from damp changes in weather.


Belledona is best suited to first stage of all inflammation which localise with redness, heat, pain and swelling.

It is best remedy for lipoma in case in  presence of pain.

Tubercular diathesis.

It is a right sided remedy.

Inflammation is attended a violent heat.

Lipoma is extremely sensitive to touch.

 Calc carb

It is best suited remedy for lipoma.

It is deepest antipsoric and Antisycotic remedy.

In adults it should not be repeated again and again.

It is best suited to fatty, fair, flabby person.

Tubercular diathesis 

Desire to be magnetised.

 Calc flour

Calc flour is a chronic remedy.

It needs some time before manifesting its affections.

It should not be repeated too frequently.

It is best suited to chilly patient.

Calc flour is marked action upon indurated infiltration in glands, cellular tissues.

Induration threatening suppuration.

Better by hot application.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and the selection of doses depends upon  the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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