Dr Sujata's Blog

  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
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  •   12-Sep-2020


Infertility is defined as a failure to conceive within one or more years of regular unprotected coitus.

Primary infertility denotes those patients who have never conceived.

Secondary infertility indicated previous pregnancy but failure to conceive subsequently.


Eighty percent of couple conception of they so desire , within one year of having regular intercourse with adequate frequency (4-5 times in a week) Another 10 percent will achieve the objective by the end of second year.

As such, 10 percent remain infertility by the end of second year.

Factors essential for conception

  • Healthy spermatozoa should be deposited high in the vagina at or near the cervix The spermatozoa should undergo changes(caption, acrosome reaction) and acquire motility (cervical factor) The motile spermatozoa should ascend through the cervix into the uterine cavity and the fallopian tube.
  • There should be ovulation.(ovarian factor) The fallopian tube should be patent and the oocyte should be picked up by the fimbriated end of the tube. ( Tubal factor) The spermatozoa should fertilise the oocyte at the ampulla of the tube.
  • The embro should reach the uterine cavity after 3-4 days of fertilisation.
  • The endometrium should be receptive (by oestrogen, progesterone, IGF-1, cytokines, integrins) for implantation and the corpus luteum should function adequately.

Cause of Infertility

  • Conception depends on the fertility potential of both the male and female partner.
  • The male is directly responsible in about 30-40%, the female in about 40-50% and both are responsible in about 10% cases.
  • The remaining 10%, is unexplained in spite of thorough investigation with modern technical know how. It is also strange that 4 out of 10 patient of unexplained category become pregnant with in 3 years without having any specific treatment.
  • It is also emphasised that the relatively subfertility of the one partner may sometimes be counterbalance by the high fertility of the other.

Fault in male

  • Defective spermatozoa
  • Obstruction of the efferent duct system
  • Failure to deposit sperm high in vagina Error in the seminal fluide

Cause of male infertility

Hypothalamic - pituitary disorders (1-2%) Primary gonadal disorders (30-40%) Disorders of sperm transport(10-20%)


Common causes of male infertility

1. Pre -testicular


  • Gonadotropin deficiency
  • Obesity
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Hyperprolactinaemia


  • Erectile  dysfunction
  • Impotence


  • Antihypertensive
  • Antipsychotics


  • 47XXY
  • Y chromosome deletion
  • Single gene mutations.

2. Testicular

  • Immotile cilia(kartagener) syndrome
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Infections (mumps orchitis)
  • Toxins-Drugs, smoking, radiation
  • Varicocele
  • Immunologic
  • Sertoli-cell-only syndrome
  • Primary testicular failure
  • Oligoastheno teratozoospermia.

3. Post-testicular

Obstruction of efferent duct


  • Abscence of Vas deferens
  • Young's syndrome

 Acquired Infection

  • Tuberculosis
  • Gonorrhoea


  • Herniorrhaphy
  • Vasectomy


  • Ejaculatory failure
  • Retrograde ejaculation
  • Hypospadius
  • Bladder neck surgery

Cause of female infertility

According to FIGO manual causes are Tubal and Peritoneal factors(25 -35%), ovulatory factor(30-40%) and Endometriosis (1%)

Ovarian factors

  • Anovulation or oligo-ovulation
  • Decreased ovarian reserve
  • Luteal phase defect
  • Luteinising unruptured follicle (LUF)

Uterine factor

  • Uterine hypoplasia
  • Inadequate secretary endometrium
  • Fibroid of uterus
  • Endometritis
  • Congenital malformation of uterus.

Cervical factor

  • Congenital elongation of the cervix
  • Second degree of prolapse
  • Acute retroverted uterus
  • Chronic cervicitis
  • Immunological factor
  • (Presence of antisperm antibody)

Tubal factor

  • Tubal infection
  • Pelvic endometriosis

 Vaginal factor

  • Atresia of vagina
  • Transverse vaginal septum
  • Septate vagina
  • Narrowing introitus causing dyspareunia
  • Vaginitis

Combination factor

  • These include the presence of factor both in the male and female partner causing infertility.
  • Genetic factors- Advanced age of the wife beyond 35 years is related but spermatogenesis continues throughout life although agein

Homoeopathic Remedies For infertility

  1. Sepia
  2. Platina
  3. Borax
  4. Aletris farinosa
  5. Agnus vastus
  6. Sabal serrulata
  7. Acid phos


Sepia is a very good remedy for infertility.

Sexual organs weak and exhausted.

Ailments coition and complaints after it.

Dryness of vulva and vagina.

Prolapse of uterus and vagina

Violent stitches upward in vagina, Lancinating pains from the uterus to the umbilicus.

Nausea and irritability  on thought of coition.

Weak, dragging or bearing down sensation, as if everything would protrude from pelvis, must cross the limb tightly.

Coition painful.

Genitals cold 


Hormonal disturbance

Platinum met

It is a pre-estimation of one's remedy

Indifference to cotion

Menses too early, too profuse, thich, albuminous, starchy, like white of eggs, sensation as if warm water were flowing down.

Acrid leucorrhoea, appearing for two weeks, between the catamenia, with swelling of labia.

Alternate mental and physical or sexual symptoms.

Genitals exceeding sensitive, but excessive sexual desire, nymphomania with ovaries troubles, prolapse or profuse menses.

Hot patient.

Sexual organs sensitive with itching, tickling or crawling, can not bear the napkin to touch her, will go into spasms from an examination.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and the selection of doses depends upon  the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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