Dr Sujata's Blog

Endometrial Polyp and its Homoeopathic Medicine
  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
  • 2335 |
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  •   01-Dec-2020

Endometrial Polyp and its Homoeopathic Medicine

A endometrial polyp or uterine polyp is a mass in the lining of uterus.

They may have a large flat base or  be attached to the uterus by an elongated pedicle.

Pedunculated polyp are more common than sessile  ones.

They range size from a few millimetres to several centimetres.

If pedunculated they can protrude though cervix into the vagina.

Small blood vessels may be present, particularly in large polyp. 

Peak age incidence 40 to 49 years.


Cause is unknown but in menopausal women with hormonal replacement therapy.

Patient take tomoxifen for CA breast treatment



Psora sycosis




Differential Diagnosis

Submucous leiomyoma


Endometrial Hyperplasia

Endometrial Carcinoma

Uterine sarcoma

Homoeopathic Medicine for Endometrial Polyp

  1. Silicea
  2. Graphites
  3. Sabina
  4. Phosphorus


It is highly effective remedy for endometrial polyp.

Discharge of blood between menstrual periods. 

Increased menses with paroxysm of icy coldness over the time.

Discharge of blood from vagina every time when child nursed.


It is very important remedy for endometrial polyp.

Menses too late, constipation, pale and scanty with tearing pain in epigastrium and itching before.

Sweat and morning sickness during menstruation.

Leucorrhoea pale, thick and profuse, white, excoriating with great weakness in back.

Induration of ovaries and uterus  and mammae


It is highly effective remedy for endometrial polyp.

Uterine pain extend into thighs.

Menses profuse bright.

Sexual desire increase.

Leucorrhoea after menses, corrosive, offensive. 

Discharge of blood between periods, with sexual excitement.

Retained placenta, intense after pain.

Menorrhagia in women who aborted readily.

Inflammation of ovaries and uterus after absorption.

Pain from sacrum to pubis and from below upward shooting up the vagina.

Hemorrhage partly clotted, worse from least motion.

Atony of uterus. 


It is best remedy for endometrial polyp.

Slight haemorrhage from uterus between periods.

Weeps before menses.

Menses too early, scanty not profuse.

Uterine polyp.

Vicarious menstruation.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician.


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