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  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
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  •   15-Sep-2020


Carbuncle is an infective gangrene of the subcutaneous tissue.

Carbuncle from when one or more hair follicles get infected. They often occur on the back of the neck, shoulder or thighs 

In rare but in severe cases, people may feel unwell and experience of fever and chill.

Caused by 

Staphylococcus aureus

It is commonly occurs in diabetic patients, poor immunity, radiotherapy patients can also developed carbuncle.


Nape of the neck is the commonest site followed by back and shoulder region.

Skin of this site is coarse and has vascularity.

Clinical Feature

Typically, the patient is a diabetic.

Severe pain and swelling in the nape of neck.

Constitution symptoms like fever with chills and rigors are severe.

Surface is red, angry looking like a red hot coal.

Surrounding areas is indurated.

Later, skin on the central of carbuncle softens and peripheral satellite vesicles appear, which rupture discharging pus and given rise to cribriform appearance.

The end result is developed of large crateriform ulcer with central Slough.


  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Gangrene
  • Septicemia
  • Toxaemia


  • Control diabetes
  • Antibiotics
  • Improve general health
  • Surgery - required when there is pus
  • Cruciate incision.

Homoeopathic Remedies For carbuncle

  1. Natrum Mur
  2. Pyrogenium
  3. Sulphur
  4. Merc sol
  5. Calendula

Nat Mur

Greasy,oily, especially on hairy parts.

Dry eruption, especially on the margin of the hairy scalp and bend of joints.


Crusty carbuncle, margin of scalp.

Worse after eating salt.

Affects hair follicles.


Pyrogenium is a great remedy for septic states, with intense restlessness.

Great pain and violent burning in abscess.

Skin swollen and inflammed.


Sulphur is best suited to carbuncle.

Skin affection after local medication.

Pustules eruption.

This is a great Hahnemann anti- psoric remedy.

Its action is centrifugal, from without outward having an elective affinity for the skin, where it produces heat and burning with itching, worse by heat of bed.

Worse by warmth of bed, washing, bathing in morning.

Better by dry, warmth weather.

Aversion to be washed.

When carefully selected remedy fails to act, especially in acute disease, it frequently arouses character of discharge and exhalations.

Merc Sol

Skin almost constantly moist.

Persistent dryness of skin contraindicates Merc.

Excessive, odorous, viscid perspiration, worse,night.

General tendency to free perspiration, but patient not relieved thereby.

Pustular and vesicular eruptions.

Itching worse from warmth of bed.


The most remarkable healing agent applied locally.

Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention.

Has remarkable power to produce local exudations and help to make acrid discharge healthy and free.

Skin yellow goose flesh.

Promotes favourable cicatrization, with least amount of suppuration.

Worse in damp, heavy, cloudy weather.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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