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  •   09-Sep-2020


Boil is a hair follicle infection.

This is also called furuncle.

Caused by - Staphylococcus aureus or secondary infection  of a sebaceous cyst.

Precipitation Factor

  • Scratching
  • Diabetes
  • Poor immunity

Common location

  • Face and back of neck
  • Axilla
  • Gluteal region

 Facts About a Boil

Dangerous boil - on the skin of face

Tender boil - External auditory

Sweet boil - Diabetic patients

Boil likes - Oily skin

Blind boil or dull boil - Subsides without suppuration.

Clinical Feature

It starts with painful indurated swelling with surrounding oedema.

After about 1-2 days, softening occurs in the centre and pustule develops which burst spontaneously discharging pus.

Necrosis of subcutaneous tissues produces a greenish Slough.

Skin overlying the boil also undergoes necroses.

Boil included under acute infective gangrene.

Furuncle of the external auditory meatus is a very painful condition because of the rich nerve supply of the skin.

Pain is due to dense adherence of skin to the perichondrium.

Complications of Boil

  • Necrosis of the skin
  • Pyaemic abscess and septicemia
  • Cavernous sinus thrombosis due to boil on the face or sure on the eyelid.

Homoeopathic Remedies For Boil

  1. Hepar sulp
  2. Silicea
  3. Belledona
  4. Merc sol
  5. Calc sulphur

Hepar sulp

Skin affections extremely sensitive to touch, the pain often causing fainting.

Unhealthy skin, the slightest injury causes suppuration.

Foul moist eruption in folds.

Torpid pulsating ulcer, enriched by small pimples or pustules or smaller smooth ulcer, with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese.

Boil, burning, stinging, very sensitive to contact, easily bleeding, even or slight wiping.

Great sensitiveness of skin to cool air.

New boil appearing just beyond old part.

Sweating all night without relief.

Hepar may open the boil and hasten cure.


It is a very useful remedy for boils.

Silicea helps dispose cold induration, boil and abscesses are partially caured and there usually remains a surrounding area of hardness due to secretions of plastic exudate during inflammatory process.

Silicea leads to absorption of these substances and established normal consistancy of tissue.

Silicea absorbs or obliterated connection tissue growth in case of scar tissue.

The pus that silicea absorbs or let loose is copious, watery, thin.

Pustular and vesicular eruptions from over the face, wings of the nose crack and lips fissure easily, crusts from on the margin between the mucous membrane and skin.

Pale, waxy, sickly, aneamic and tired face.


Belledona is an important remedy for boil.

Boils, returning every spring.

Eruption like scarlatina, suddenly spreading.

Of a uniform, smooth, shining scarlet redness.

Blood boils with fever.

Acute condition.

Violent and sharp pain.

Boils with violent congestive and inflammatory symptoms before pus formation takes place.

Smooth shining and tense surface.

Skin is very hot, dry.

Sweat only on covered part.


Sensitive skin

Right sided affections.

Chilly patient

Belledona is used in the first stage of inflammations which localise.

Intense burning.


Aggravation -  touch, cold air

Ameliorate by warm room.

Merc sol

It is best suited remedy for boil at the time of menses.

Itching at night in bed.

Pimples around main eruption.

Round, coppery red spots and shinning.

Moist crusty eruption.

Moist due to free perspiration.

Persistent dryness of skin contraindicates mercurius

Every little injury suppurated 

Scurvy eruption, vesicular eruptions, eruption discharge pus.

Violent itching of the skin especially in the warmth of bed at night.

Boils when suppuration has set in with intense pain at night, not relieved by either heat/cold.


Aggravated at night, warmth of bed, while sweating, damp weather.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and the selection of doses depends upon  the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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