Dr Sujata's Blog

  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
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  •   16-Oct-2020


It is a subacute and chronic Inflammation of eyelid.

It is a extremely common disease which can be divided into following clinical type-

  • Seborrhoeic or squamous blepharitis
  • Staphylococcal or ulcerative blepharitis
  • Mixed Staphylococcal with seborrhoeic blepharitis.
  • Posterior blepharitis.
  • Parasitic blepharitis.

1. Seborrhoeic or squamous blepharitis


  • It is associated with seborrhoea of scalp (Dandruff)
  • In its glands of zies secrete abnormal excessive neutral lipid

Clinical Feature

  • Deposition of whitish material of lid
  • Mild discomfort
  • Irritation
  • Occasionally watery
  • History of falling eyelashes.


Improvement health and balance diet

Removal of scaly from the lid margin with help of lukewarm solutions 3% soda bicarb shampoo or baby shampoo.

Antibiotics and steroid eye ointment.

2. Ulcerative and Staphylococcal blepharitis


  • Chronic inflammatory condition of eyelids.
  • Chronic Staphylococcal Infection of the lid margin.
  • Disorder usually starts in childhood and continue throught out life.
  • Eye strains due to muscular embalance or embalance or refractive error.

Predisposing Factor

  • Chronic conjunctivitis

Clinical Feature

  • Photophobia
  • Mild lachymation
  • Worse in morning
  • Inflammation of eyelid


  • Antibiotic oinment
  • Improvement health
  • Balance Diet

Homoeopathic medicine for Blepharitis

  1. Belladonna
  2. Staphysagria
  3. Euphrasia officinalis
  4. Apis Mel
  5. Argentum Nitricum
  6. Hepar sulp 
  7. Natrum Mur

Euphrasia officinalis

It is highly effective remedy for Blepharitis.

Burning and swelling of eye lids.

Frequent inclination to blink.

Free discharge of acrid matter.

Pressure in eyes.

Manifestation itself in inflaming the conjunctival membrane especially, producing profuse lachymation.

Patient is better in open air.

Catarrhal affection of mucous membranes especially of eyes and nose.

Profuse acrid lachymation.

Worse in evening.

The eyes water all the time.

Discharge is thick and excoriating.

Apis Mel

Lids red, swollen oedematous, everted, inflammed, burn and sting.

Lachymation hot

Sudden piercing pain

Suppurative Inflammation of eyes.

Serous exudation, oedema, sharp pain.


Throbbing pain in eyes.

Eyelids swollen.

Sensation as if eyes were half close.

Shooting pain in eyes.

Eyes feel swollen and protruding.

Belladonna stands for violence of attack and suddenness of onset.

Argentum Nitricum

It is highly effective remedy for Blepharitis.

Photophobia in warm room

Discharge abundant and purulent.

Chronic ulceration of margin of lids, sore, thick, swollen.

Unable to keep eyes fixed steadily.

Aching, tired feeling in eyes, better closing or pressing upon them

Worse in warm room.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician.


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