Dr Sujata's Blog

  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
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  •   20-Aug-2020


A wart is a rough excrescences on the skin. It is a rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of Skin.

Cause -  "Human Papilloma Virus"

Clinical Feature

Pigmented, keratinized, irregular lesions

Age - Common in young adults

Common Sites

  • Fingers
  • Feet
  • Genitalia
  • Beard

Veneral Warts

  • They are also called as papilloma accuminata. They can occur in the anal region, perineum and in the coronal sulcus of the penis. Some of warts may regress spontaneously.


  • Fulguration with diathermy

Homoeopathic Remedies for Wart

  1. Dulcamara
  2. Causticum
  3. Nitric acid
  4. Natrum Mur
  5. Thuja


  • It is adapted to person of phlegmatic, scrofulous constitution. Dulcamara is known as Autumn remedy.
  • Dulcamara is a best suited medicine for warts where patient is very irritable.
  • Warts are fleshy, large smooth or flat on the face, back of hands and fingers.
  • Domineering and Possessive peeson, suspicious about others. Best suited to self centered people.
  • Modalities
  • Aggravation by cold, sudden change in weather from hot to cold, cold wet weather, cold air, suppressed menses, eruption, sweat. Ameliorated from moving about.


Causticum is best suited to hydrogenoid constitution. Patient is aggravated from washing and bathing, better from being warm in bed. Patient is sallow, aneamic, sick looking with dark hair and right sided fibres. Adapted to old broken down constitution. Patient is chilly.

Suppression of skin symptoms progresses into disease of nervous system or directly into mental or emotional states. This is right sided remedy.

Wart on skin especially nose, face, neck with moist eruption.

Warts bleeds easily.


Aggravation by Dry cold weather.

Ameliorate by Damp wet weather, warm air.

Nitric acid

Nitric acid is especially suited to thin weak and debilitated people with rigid muscularature, dark complexion, black eyes and hair. Ugly looking appearance with broken down cachetic constitution, aneamic and emaciated people with morning diarrhoea. Patient is nervous and irritable.

Warts are large, jagged and pedunculated that bleed easily on washing, moist oozing with sticking pain.

Warts bleed easily.

Desire for salt, fat, chilliness and indifference are a symptom complex that puts on to nitric acid.


Aggravation by evening, night, after midnight contact, change of weather and temperature, during sweat on waking.

Amelioration while riding in a carriage.

Natrum Mur

Adapted to sickly looking, greasy, skin shiny, sallow, yellow and often chlorotic covered with vesicular eruptions around the edges of the hair, ears and back of neck. Natrum mur is a hot patient. Warts on palms of hand. There is great emaciation. Mapped tongue is the keynote symptom of this remedy. Intense craving for salt.


Thuja is an excellent remedy for warts.

It is a king of Antisycotic drugs. Best suited to hydrogenoid constitution. The Patient look like Ganeshji with a distended abdomen and a bulky body having lavish growth of various tissues everywhere.

Thuja is the only efficacious remedy for the fig warts.

Thuja patient has a waxy shiny face and it looks as if it had been semeared over with grease and often transparent. The patients are fleshy having undue and unwanted growth such as warts, tumours, cysts. Having dark hair and dark complexion, unhealthy oily skin, dirty brownish with white spots. Thuja is a chilly patient.

Ailments from bad effect of vaccination.

Mostly left sided affection.

Sweating only on covered parts or all over except the head.

Tendency of the patient to throw out warts like excrescences which are soft and pulpy and very sensitive, burn itch and bleed easily when rubbed by clothing. This is useful in ulcer that have originated from flat warts.


Aggravation by heat, warmth of bed.

Ameliorate from open air, motion, after perspiration, rubbing and scratching.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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