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  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
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  •   17-Aug-2020


Herpes zoster (shingles) is an acute infection involving the 1st sensory neurones of various nerve.

It is characterized by painful skin rash with blister in a localised area.


  • "Zoster Varicella Virus"
  • The causative organism is a virus.
  • It is closely related to the virus of chicken pox. 
  • The virus affect the 'post root ganglia'.

The disease may precipitated by

  • Injury
  • Spinal metastasis from carcinoma
  • Hodgkin's disease
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Irritation of meninges

Incubation - 2-4 weeks

Risk Factors

  •  Old age
  • Poor immune  function
  • Having a history of Chickenpox before the 18  month of age.

Prevention - Shingles vaccine

Age - Adult and middle age

General Symptom

  • Painful rash occurring in a strike.
  • Rash appears only one side of the body either right or left.
  • Fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy
  • Pain is segmental distribution of nerves.
  • Burning, shooting, cutting pain
  • Hyperaesthesia (oversensitive)
  • Paresthesia (pins and needles, tingling, pricking or numbness) hyperalgesia (Affected cutaneous surface within 3-4days) Erythema later on papules Lymph nodes involved enlarged and tender. 
  • Eruption on affected cutaneous segment of nerve So long the vesical present the pain remaining very severe.
  • In course of time after 5-7 days the vesicles dried up leaving behind permanent scar on skin.

Complications - Postherpetic neuralgia

Differential Diagnosis

  •  Herpes simplex
  •   Angina
  •  Insect bites


  • Dry dressing
  • Dusting of providone iodine
  • Hexachlorophene powder
  • Antibiotics Drop - Ganciclovir opthalmic gel 0.15%, 5 times / day.
  • Dry solution - Calamine cream lotion
  • Aciclovir 400-800mg orally 4-5 times / day Indoxuridine 20% to 40% in dimethyl sulphoxide.
  • Analgesic - Aspirine


  • Tropical capsaicin (0.025%) helpful in 50%case

Homoeopathic medicine for Herpes zoster

  1. Rhus Tox
  2. Natrum Muriaticum
  3. Mezerium
  4. Dulcamara
  5. Arsenic
  6. Croton Tig

Rhus Tox

It is best suited for right sided herpes zoster with extensive vesications and is generally accompanied with rheumatic pains.

These vesicles have a red areola around them.

Rhus tox is very useful remedy for Herpes zoster with intense itching in the affected area.

Vesicular eruptions are the characteristic symptom of Rhus tox and so it becomes a remedy in herpes. Skin is covered with numerous vesicles and there is a great itching and tingling. Skin is often swollen. Burning eczematous eruptions with tendency to scale formation. There is intense itching.

Symptoms are worst at night, damp weather, winter.

Nat mur

Nat mur is used for hydroa labialis. They are little blisters which form on the borders of the lips and which accompany every marked case of chill itching after exertion. Complaints are worse after eating of salt, at seashore. Greasy skin. Fever blister. Complaints worse in warm room, consolation and better by open air, cold bathing. It is best suited to the person who have prolonged intake of excessive salt cause profound nutritive changes.

Oversensitive to all shorts of influences.

It is a best remedy for herpes labialis. There is eruption around the mouth and vesicles like a pearl on lips. Vesicles and burning in the tongue.

Numbness and tingling.


Dulcamara is a great remedy for Herpes zoster. There is a vesicular eruption.

Itching, always worse in cold, wet weather. Sensitive skin. Little boils. Red spot. Humid eruption. Thick brown yellow crusts bleeding when scratched.

All complaints worse at night, from cold in general, damp, rainy weather and better from moving about, external warmth. Fever with dry, burning, heat all over. There is rheumatic symptoms after acute skin eruptions. Hot days and cold nights towards the close of summer are especially favourable for action of Dulcamara, is one of the remedies, whose symptoms corresponds to the conditions found in effects of damp weather, cold after exposure of wet. Facial Neuralgia worse, slight exposure to cold.

Dose-second to thirtieth potency.


Mezerium is very useful remedy for Herpes zoster, with burning pain.

There is intolerable itching. Worse in bed. Chilliness and pruritus. Ulcer itch and burn, surrounded by vesicles and shinning, firey red areola.

Worse by cold air, night, evening until midnight, warm food, touch, motion and better by open air. There is semi-lateral complaint. Patient is very sensitive to cold air. Pain of various kinds, with chilliness and sensitveness to the cold air. Eruptions after vaccination. There is burning, darting sensation. Violent neuralgia is the most important symptom of mezerium.

Dose- 6th to 30th potency.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and doses according to the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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