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  •   Dr. Sujata Singh |
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  •   12-Aug-2020


It is a skin disease that occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the hair follicles. It is also called as comedones.

Classification - acne vulgaris is classified into three types ( mild, moderate, severe)
There is no universal accepted scale grading acne severity.

Mild Acne 
The presence of clogged skin follicles limited to the face with occasional inflammatory lesion . 
Moderate Acne 
It occur when a high number of inflammatory papules and pustuals occur on face. It is called as moderate type of acne
Severe Acne
 It is occur when nodules (painful bump lying under the skin).

Clinical feature
  • Blackheads 
  • Whiteheads 
  • Oily skin 
  • Scarring 
  • Pain 

Common site 

  • Face 
  • Upper part of chest
  • Back
  • Trunk
  • Anxiety
  • Reduced self esteem
  • Depression
  • Thoughts of suicide

Risk factor 
  • Age - puberty 
  • Sex - both are equal

  • Hormones - increased androgen level
  • Increase production of sebum
  • Genetic - 80%
  • Genetic is the primary cause of acne
  • Unhygienic person have more pone tendency to develop acne.
  • Excessive growth of the bacterium, it is called as cutibacterium acne.
  • Infection
  • Diet-oily fatty food
  • Unexposure of sunlight 
  • Stress
  • Anxiety 

Differential Diagnosis
  • Folliculitis
  • Rosacea
  • Hidradentis
  • Supprativa 
  • Miliaria
  • Medication - azelaic acid
  • Benzoyl acid 
  • Salicylic acid
  • Antibiotics 
  • Birth control pills
  • Isotretinoin

Homoeopathic medicine for acne vulgaris 

Hepar sulp calc
Pustular type of acne
Hyper sweating day and night without any relief 
Aggravated by cold weather 
Foul smelling pus in acne
Very chilly patient
Over sensitive mental and physical
Ameliorate by heat, hot fomentation and covering.
Unhealthy skin with thick and offend discharge.
Discharge is purulent and has odour like that of cheese.
New pimple appearing just beyond old part. It produces moist eruption in the fold of skin. 
All injury tend to suppurate with over sensitiveness of parts.

Silicea is best suited to the person who is very chilly, easily perspiring at night with want of self confidence and grit. It is a great remedy for acne. Silicea is a long and deep acting remedy that it slow in action. A person with deep seated acne along with a general low immune resistance. Infected spots are slow to come to a head, and slow to resolve, so may result in scaring. Unhealthy skin every little injury easily suppurates. Ailment caused by suppressed foot sweat. Wants of vital heat. Desires cold food, cold drinks and ice-creams. Silicea has aggravated from milk. The pus of silicea absorbs or let loose is copious, watery, thin and gelatinous. Promotes expulsion of tissue by promoting formation of a healthy cicatrix. Offensive sweat with various kinds of skin troubles. It is best suited to thin, pale and delicate individuals.

Arnica Montana
Arnica is indicated when boils and abscess have partially matured but instead of discharging they shrivel due to absorption of contaminated pus.
Crops of boils all over the body. Arnica promotes evacuation of pus and promotes the appearance of pus on surface of a sore. Aggravation from least touch and damp cold weather.
Tendency to small painful boils one after another, extremely sore.
Arnica prevents suppuration and septic conditions and promotes absorption. Arnica is chilly patient.

Berb aquifolium
Berb aquifolium is an excellent remedy for acne. It helps to clear the complexion Pimples, dry, rough, scaly.
Eruption on scalp extending to the face and neck. It is made up of mountain grapes.
Dose-tincture in rather material doses.
5to10drops in an ounces of cool water 4times in a day.

Kali brom 
Kali brom is a very useful  remedy in case of acne.
Pustules type of acne
Acne of face
This patient is better when occupied mentally and physically.
Doses-A few grains of the crude salt to the third trituration.

Calc Carb
Calc carb is a great Hahnemann antipsoric remedy.
Increased local and general perspiration
It is best suited to the person who is fat, fair, flabby, large head, pale skin, chalky look, and the so called leucophlegmatic  temperament. 

The most remarkable healing agent applied locally. Great disposition to take cold, especially in damp weather .
Skin is yellowish goose flesh. Promotes favourable cicatrization with least amount of suppuration.
Dose- external application .

Sulphur is used in the case where skin affection after local medication.
Dry, scaly, unhealthy, every little injury suppurates. Itching, burning, worse scratching and washing .
Pimply eruption, pustules, rhagades.
Better by dry, warm weather and worse warmth of bed, washing, bathing in the morning. It is given in 200 potency in chronic acne.

The selection of homoeopathic remedies based on symptom similarities and the selection of doses depends upon  the Susceptibility of patient.

Don't take homoeopathic medicine without any prescription / without any advise of physician


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